Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blogging for Scrapbookers

So, I think I'm failing my blogging for scrapbookers class. I am so glad we aren't actually be graded! :) Today we are supposed to post about something fun online. I like to cruise scrapbook message boards, scrapbook and author blogs and occasionally my home page on Facebook. I don't hang out on YouTube or play many games on Facebook or those kinds of things. So, I think I fail on the fun thing for today, too. But, since fun is defined differently for everyone, I am going to suggest that you look and see if your favorite author has a blog and spend some time reading it.

CTMH Stampaganza Nov. 3-30
Buy 2 stamp sets get a third set free
ask me for details

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Blogging for scrapbookers

So, yesterday I was supposed to post my goals for the blogging for scrapbookers class by Shimelle. My goal is going to actually be to post :) Although to have the posts be interesting would be my second goal.

Last night Jared had a presentation for his advanced world history class. They were assigned a historical figure and they had to dress up as that person and give a 4 minute speech on the person's life. Jared had James Madison. He told me on Friday that he needed a costume for Monday. Apparently they knew for a month. This is an ongoing problem we need to resolve, but that's another post.

So, we went to Walmart and threw together a costume. Not the best, but it worked. However, Jared presented 19 out of 25 and it looked like he spent his time waiting rolling around on the floor. His wig was a mess! I'll have to get a picture posted. We ended up getting home too late to blog.

Josh was cranky this morning. He and Jared fought over the PS3 and got it taken away. Josh needed to read his library book. I told him he had until 7:02 to be reading. He wandered over and picked up his book and meandered his way back across the living room. I was pretty much just ignoring him until he said, "it is 7:03 and I'm not reading my book." So he got grounded. He then proceeded to throw a 20 minute fit. I finally told him if he missed the school bus he would never see the light of day again. So then he asks me (all stuttering and teary from the fit), "why? are you going to kill me?" Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of grounded for life.

I'm just glad the morning ended and my kids got on the bus!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Album w/ 18 premade pages

Here are the remaining pages that go with the album for sale on etsy.